Reverb 10.15 Three Hundred
Enjoy the little things, for one day you may
look back and realize they were the big things.
(Robert Brault)
Reverb 10.15 - Prompt from December 15, 2010 (Patti Digh)
5 Minutes. Imagine you will completely lose your memory of 2010 in five minutes. Set an alarm for five minutes and capture the things you most want to remember about 2010.
Three hundred seconds starts now. Kaileen Elise, 2010 was a great year. You spent a lot of time with friends and family. You made some smart decisions. You laughed, a lot. You and your mister grew closer and celebrated your 2nd year together. You created something wonderful with two close friends and wrapped up December with a few thousand friends through a magical project called Reverb 10. You had a remarkable year. You traveled, you loved, you soared. Now, go on. Make 2011 magnificent.
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Image Credit: folding paper figures via we♥it