22 Journal Prompts to Manifest Your Best Year Yet
It’s that time of year when your mind starts racing, wondering what’s next. Here’s what you can do.
Maybe you’re feeling overwhelmed, or maybe you just want to make sure this year is different from the last. Either way, the new year is a perfect opportunity to slow down, tune in, and start paving a path toward what you truly want.
Grab your journal, get cozy, and let yourself write freely. These prompts will help you release what’s been weighing you down and invite in the good stuff you deserve.
How do you want to welcome this year?
What memories do you want to make?
What's one new thing you want to try?
Where do you want to look for beauty?
Who do you want to connect with?
How do you want to heal this year?
What magic are you ready to call in?
What do you want to make?
How can your intuition support you?
What is inspiring to you?
Where do you want to go?
What are you ready to leave behind?
What habits do you want to keep?
When do you want to find alignment?
Who do you want to prioritize?
What new rituals do you want to try?
When will you say yes? And no?
What gifts are you ready to share?
How will you care for yourself?
What is ready to be released?
How will you celebrate this year?
What will you manifest in the new year?
Keep Reading for More Inspiration
8 Ideas for New Beginnings
Whether you’re celebrating a new year, a new season, a birthday, or another fresh start, here are eight ideas for new beginnings. These rituals will help you feel connected, rejuvenated, and excited about what’s ahead.
About Kaileen Elise Sues
Hi, I'm Kaileen! Intuition coach, host of the Celebrate Cultivate podcast, and mom of three.
Until I found my inner voice, I was a perfectionist always on the edge of overwhelm. This practice changes everything.
That’s why I’m here to help you access your intuition. So you can heal old wounds, manifest magic, and find calm in the chaos of daily life.