36th Birthday Wishes
Catch the Replay: Cultivating Confidence & Finding Flow
Thanks to everyone who joined the live workshop yesterday. I could feel the energy in the room and loved answering your questions!
If you missed it, you can catch the replay on IGTV. This would be the perfect thing to enjoy with your coffee and notebook, while you take a bath, or even as you fold the laundry.
At the end I share a bit about working with me 1:1 and an aligning incentive I'm offering. If you book a single session or package by 3/31, you'll get the guided meditation series I'm launching next month. If you've been wanting to work with me, now’s the time. Send me a DM or email if you have questions!
11 Days of Giveaways
Join the party over on Instagram! Today there’s a chance to win a $50 gift card to Anthropologie. It takes a few seconds to enter the giveaway… so do it now!
Reflections on Being 35
My 36th birthday is coming up on Monday, March 29th! So I’m sharing about this past year and my intentions for the year ahead.
Last March was a strange time. It was the beginning of things shutting down and we really didn’t know what to expect. I wrote an essay about turning 35 and how it all felt. Here’s a piece of what I wrote,
“It is such a strange time to be celebrating, but also it's a strange time to be alive. You might already be aware of this, but we never actually know what the next day will bring.
Uncertainty has always been there. But right now she is getting up in our faces, reminding us that we cannot control a thing.”
This is still completely true, but now I feel so much promise and excitement for what’s here and also what’s ahead. I’m pregnant with our 3rd baby. This podcast is on the brink of it’s one-year anniversary. I have a business I love with clients I’m obsessed with. Of course, I miss seeing my friends and family, but it feels like things are going to open back up soon and we’ll all be together again.
In that same essay, I shared my intentions for being 35:
Trust yourself.
Leave space for magic.
Enjoy your life.
Go to bed early.
Spend time outside.
Breathe. Believe.
Let it be easy.
I honestly don’t have to change a single one, but to keep it interesting I’m sharing my intentions for being 36.
Intentions for 36
Be with yourself.
Delight in the company of others.
Take your time.
Expand with ease.
Dwell in the magic.
Know that everything you desire is good.
Step into the life of your dreams.
Stay Tuned for What’s Ahead
Full Moon Gathering
This Sunday, March 28th a 7pm CT, I’m hosting another free Full Moon Zoom. These have quickly become one of my favorite things and I know so many of you are enjoying them too. There will be a guided meditation, collective journaling, and space to share. Click here to save your spot!
Podcast Break Next week
I’m taking next week off from the podcast as a little mid-season birthday break. I’ll be back with a new episode on April 8th. It’s an interview with one of my new instagram besties, clarity coach and author, Diana Morris. We’re talking all about feeling fear, taking action anyway, and where intuition comes into play. This is a must-listen episode!
One More Reminder
Be sure to watch the replay of my workshop on Cultivating Confidence and Finding Flow. If you want to find expansion with ease and step into the life of your dreams, I’m excited to support you. Schedule a discovery call to learn more about working with me. and if you want to take advantage of all the great incentives I’m offering right now, be sure to sign up by March 31st!
Theme song is Wildflowers by Gyom
Photography by Angela Doran
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Connect to the calm within you.
Tired of feeling stressed? Wish you could have more ease and flow in everyday life?
I help people listen to their inner wisdom, trust what they hear, and take action.
Get comfortable. Get out of your mind. I will help guide you to the answers within.