Blessing of the Forks Ritual: Finding Fulfillment in Daily Life
Discover the magic in the Blessing of the Forks Ritual — a practice that infuses mundane tasks with love and intention. I’m sharing how to transform your everyday tasks into meditative moments that leave you feeling more connected to your life. Use this ritual to unlock more fulfillment and happiness today!
A Simple Practice for Overcoming Overwhelm
It's easy to feel overwhelmed by the summer season. Juggling work, family, and household chores, along with summer activities, camps, and travel is... A LOT!
Today, I'm sharing a simple ritual that will help you feel more connected, fulfilled, and happy in your daily routines. It's called the "Blessing of the Forks Ritual," and it has the power to transform mundane tasks into meditative acts of love.
But First, Take a Moment to Breathe
If you're always rushing from one thing to the next, remember to take a step back and breathe. Last week, my inner voice reminded me to stop worrying about when things will get done and instead trust that they will at the perfect time. This simple shift helped me release my effort to control everything and find peace amidst the chaos.
The Blessing of the Forks Ritual
This ritual is inspired by a recent client session. Her inner voice suggested adjusting the way she approaches everyday household activities like groceries, laundry, and dishes.
Instead of listening to podcasts while she does chores, her inner voice suggested using the time for introspection and connection. Most importantly, to infuse her actions with calm, loving energy and the intention to connect with her children.
You can empty the dishwasher in hurried frustration, or you can “Bless the Forks.” Same action. Totally different energy.
After her session, the idea stayed with me. I decided to try “Blessing the Forks” in my life. Cleaning my kids’ toy closet became a way to encourage creative play. Tidying up the books, a way to support independent reading.
Let This Ritual Spill Into Other Areas of Life
The Blessing of the Forks ritual isn't limited to your actions that benefit others. You can apply it to the things you do for yourself, like flossing your teeth, getting dressed, and even watering your plants.
An Hour of Intuition
Say goodbye to overthinking and hello to flowing from one thing to the next with confidence.
Unlike other coaching methods, the focus here is on gaining insights through your inner voice.
Rather than giving you suggestions and solutions, I help you understand what your intuition wants you to know.
You can do anything with a sense of love and appreciation — and when you do, magical things will start to happen.
How different would your life feel if you moved through it feeling calm and connected to yourself and the people you care about most? The Blessing of the Forks Ritual has the power to take you from feeling stressed out and frazzled to peaceful and happy.
Book Recommendation: Hand Wash Cold by Karen Maezen Miller
The Blessing of the Forks Ritual reminds me of an author I love, Karen Maezen Miller, and her book Hand Wash Cold: Care Instructions for an Ordinary Life. It's her story of finding happiness at the bottom of the laundry basket, love in the kitchen sink, and peace in her backyard.
Try The Blessing of the Forks Ritual Today
The Blessing of the Forks Ritual is a small, yet potent shift in perspective. Try it today as you go about your normal routines and activities.
First, take a few calming breaths to soothe your system and connect to your inner voice.
Then, move through your to-do list with new energy.
Bless what you touch, infusing love and appreciation as you go. Set the intention to connect with yourself and those who benefit from the important (and perhaps mundane) work that you’re doing.
When you give The Blessing of the Forks Ritual a try, watch how it leads you to more connection, fulfillment, and happiness in your daily life!
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[00:00:00] Welcome to Celebrate Cultivate, a podcast about celebrating the good in life and cultivating more of what you want. I'm your host, Kaileen Elise. My intention is to offer deep breaths and ideas for appreciating the magic in everyday life. I'm here to help you listen to your intuition, trust your inner wisdom, and act with inspiration.
Let's get to it. Hello, this is episode 152 of Celebrate Cultivate, and I'm your host, Kaileen Elise Sues. Today I'm gonna share a ritual that will help you feel more connected, fulfilled, and happy in your everyday life. Summer is in full swing, which. Kind of feels like a lot of false advertising and more adulting than usual.
For those of us with small [00:01:00] children, there's a lot more things to do like summer fun, and then it's combined with a. Lack of structure. Schools out camp schedules change every single week, and even though I have a full-time nanny, my summer vibe in the house is just so different, and I'm sure it is no matter what your childcare situation is.
Too, if you've got kids, summer is just its own little beast. And when my children were babies, I had no idea of any of this because every week was basically the same, but now it just feels like something I'm adjusting. Stain too. Something I'm learning about and something that every year my expectations change just a little because I wanna have a fun summer.
I want my kids to have a fun summer, but we all still have our normal responsibilities, like work, life, [00:02:00] laundry, you name it. Uh, it just feels like a lot to juggle. And I am, again, just embracing what I can, but it feels like I'm threading the needle a lot more and just doing everything in bite-sized pieces.
So I'm taking the kids to camp, I'm doing things around the house. I'm preparing for birthdays, scheduling stuff for travel, for the summer vacation that we're gonna take. I'm doing work when I can, and it just all kind of feels like. Very easily could get jumbled and I can miss things. For example, I totally forgot that I gotta take my daughter to a pediatrician appointment later today.
She's having her well checked and it just like, I knew it was on the calendar, but I just totally forgot about it. So, anyways. If you are feeling that way about summer, I just want you to know you are not alone, and the ritual slash practice that I'm gonna share with you in a little bit will [00:03:00] help. The other thing that will help is just embracing the season that you're in and acknowledging it and giving yourself a lot of grace and compassion.
That you are in an adjustment period, and that's a lot of parenting motherhood in general and life is that nothing ever really stays the same stuff is always changing and the things that are troublesome and and bothering you right now, maybe things that you look back with. Nostalgia in a future version of yourself.
I know some of the things about like the baby baby days, uh, were definitely difficult in the moment, and now I look back and I'm like, oh, that was such a sweet time. So if you can relate to that, just know that in the future you may be looking back on this and being like, oh, that was such a sweet time, even though it's a little bit tricky right now.
This weekend I did a deep clean of the kids' toy closet. It was very needed, especially with them [00:04:00] being home a lot more through the summer. It just is getting cluttered with all sorts of nonsense. So I cleared it out. I got rid of a lot of stuff donated. A lot of it was actual trash, so put things in the trash, you know, it was, it felt really satisfying, but at the same time, no one says thank you.
No one says Good job. Unless I prompt them and like beg them, like, look at how nice the toy closet looks. It's kind of thankless, but that's okay. That's just kind of how some of this stuff can be, and again, I can thank myself. I can cheer for myself. I can pat myself on my back. I can talk about it on my podcast and say, Hey, like I did this and it felt really good, and encourage you to do some of the same thing.
Another thing that I'm doing right now that feels really good but is slightly thankless at the moment is I'm taking a class about creating courses, and I'm really excited about it because it's gonna help me elevate how I support you, how I help you listen to your [00:05:00] intuition in everyday life. And it is part of an overall effort I'm making over the next six months to uplevel this business and this brand, the website, all of it.
I'm super excited, but again, it's like one of those things that's kind of behind the scenes and it's extra. It's different than what my normal workflow is, and so again, it's something to just. Acknowledge and pay attention to and help support my energy on like you're doing this different extra thing. So, Just know that, just pay attention to that.
So if you're doing anything in your life that feels extra or different or is draining you in a way that you know is gonna pay off long term, like, I'm really excited about these things, but it is something I just wanna make sure I'm. Supporting myself through the process. So in my summer this year, it feels like everything's scheduled quite tightly.
And like I [00:06:00] said, I'm threading the needle from one thing to the next. Almost all of it is really fun and good stuff. It's just a lot. And again, I have three little kids. I have a seven year old, a five-year-old, and an almost two year old. So I'm really just getting started on how most people would refer to like life is busy.
I am in charge of all of their extracurriculars and what they're signed up for. So a lot of it I do still control. So that's something that I need to just keep in mind is I booked these things, I scheduled these things, and the same goes for work. I'm in charge of all of that. So if I'm feeling overwhelmed, it is my responsibility to.
Change things for the future. And also just to take deep breaths. Taking deep breaths almost always helps in all situations. So if you are feeling overwhelmed, anxious, however you're feeling, just take some deep breaths. It will really, really help you find a grounded center place within you, and you [00:07:00] can use those breaths that you're taking already to just.
Turn your awareness inward to your intuition. Earlier today, I was like buzzing around the house, getting a bunch of stuff done, and I thought to myself like, ah, I don't know when I'm gonna get to record the podcast, and today is the day I have to record it to submit it to my editors and my inner voice.
Said, I can choose not to worry about when things get done and trust that they will get done. And it was like this, ah, that feels so good. That feels so true. I don't have any resistance to that. I just fully accepted it and I wasn't. I didn't record my podcast in the morning like I thought I was going to, and then I found this perfect amount of time to do it after my course ended, before I have to take my daughter to the doctor.
And so it's like this is, this was the time that was meant to be recording the podcast. It is not the time that I blocked off on my calendar, which was earlier today. So just knowing that. [00:08:00] I don't have to be the one to worry about it. Worrying isn't going to fix it or make it happen any sooner. That was just such a nice piece of wisdom from my inner voice that I didn't have to do anything to receive.
But exhale, breathe, and listen, and you can do that. Two. So the inspiration for today's episode comes from a one-on-one session that I had last week with one of my members of the season sessions. As you're listening to this, if you feel inspired to book a single session, Go to my website, and book a Gift of Intuition session.
My next availability is in August and September, so go ahead and snag up those spots if you're interested. And then I also have openings for the season session. So if you are listening to this and you're like, okay, now is the time for me to join that membership, for me to get a single session every season and get that support from our community and the resources, then go ahead and check.
That out, it's all at [00:09:00] So I was doing this session with one of our members, and I'm not gonna give away any super personal information just to protect her privacy, but she's been going through a really big life change in the past year or so, and it's been extremely stressful. Really, really hard.
And she's done an amazing job of gathering support. So she's worked with a therapist, she's been going to yoga. She's doing all of these things to really help herself, including being part of the season sessions. And she's had some. Truly magical things transpire as she started to cultivate the connection that she has with her intuition.
And this is somebody who, when we started working together, she really already had a great connection to her intuition. So it's not that working with me has helped her. Access her intuition as much as it has provided a constant, consistent container for her to [00:10:00] listen to herself in a, a cadence that feels really good, which is once a season, then she can take what she's gathered from her intuition and apply it to her life and then come back each season.
And she's been doing this for quite a while. And the things the really, like, cool, magical things that have happened are s. It's stuff that you could never dream up from the mind, like it's not, it's just like very nice confirmation that has helped her feel more confident that she's on the right path. And even when things feel really hard and really difficult, that even though her life right now doesn't look.
Anything like she's imagined her life would, would look. It is still connected to her intuition. It is still connected to her highest self and that she is doing a really great job. Like she's getting that confirmation that she is doing an amazing job, listening to herself, trusting herself, following her instincts, and she's [00:11:00] building an even more incredible life for herself and for her children than she could have imagined from the mind.
Anyways, in this particular session, she came in like almost all my clients do with big questions for her intuition, and she got some really helpful wisdom. But the takeaway that I'm the most excited about, the one that was like, Ooh, I can also use this in my life and I want to share it, is this idea that I'm gonna tell you about.
It's something that I am calling the blessing of the forks. Ritual, and it is intentionally a little bit of a funny name, but yes, it's the blessing of the Forks ritual, and this is what it is. Her inner voice told her that through certain household activities, like making her grocery list, doing the laundry, putting away the dishes to stop listening to so many podcasts.
Which I guess if you're listening to this right now, you are listening to [00:12:00] a podcast probably while you're doing one of those things. But to use that time as an opportunity to be in quiet and to listen to her intuition, her inner voice also said that she could use that time to call her sister or to listen to something if she was really excited about it.
So, Like this podcast, if you're really excited about it, great. Listen to it. But to not feel the quiet so much to allow some of that quiet to exist. And her inner voice said, you know, this is all on a, a scale on a a spectrum. So it's not about achieving perfection, it's not about being in complete silence.
It's about. Using this time intentionally, and this is the really cool part, she said that she could use the time and these activities to connect with her children. So while she is making the grocery list, doing the laundry, putting away the [00:13:00] dishes, she can connect with her children in that time because these are all things that touch her children.
So she can infuse good energy. She can infuse a calming loving presence into the grocery list, into the laundry into. The dishes. And so I joked, or my inner voice joked in the session. Oh, so like a blessing of the fork's ritual And her inner voice said Yes, exactly. So it takes putting the dishes away from being an an annoying chore that we all have to do.
All the time to a loving act of service and care. It's the exact same action. Either way, it's a totally different intention and a totally different energy for both the recipients of those practices, of [00:14:00] those actions, but also for the doer, for her, for you, for me, anybody that tries this. So of course I just like really lit up.
It was totally something that was meant for her, but also meant for me in that moment of co-creation. For me, I just was like, I know this is something that I can use in my life. And I tried it with the cleaning of the toy closet. So as I was cleaning the toy closet, I was thinking about how this. Practice this action is encouraging my children's play and creativity.
I also was tidying up the books in our home to help support independence and reading. And it isn't something that has to stop in the actions. We take that support or benefit other people. It can also be something. That you do for yourself. So I have this like gorgeous closet full of beautiful clothes [00:15:00] that over the last year and a half I've been working with a stylist to build a wardrobe that feels really inspired and stylish for me and for the body that I'm in.
And. Because I used to be such a minimalist with clothing, one of the learning curves for me has been in caring for my clothes. Like I used to only have five or six items of clothing like I had. I had no clothes, so laundry and putting away the laundry and all that was so, so easy and fast. And now I have lots of options and lots of possibilities in my wardrobe, which I love.
But the caring for them, the laundry, the PO putting away, the steaming, the dry cleaning, all of those different components and pieces have been kind of annoying to me, to be honest. And, but now after this insight of the blessing of the forks ritual, I used it in my closet with the laundry this weekend, [00:16:00] and I really did feel a total shift in energy of like I am appreciating and connecting to the articles of clothing themselves, but also blessing.
The future me that's going to put on all of these pieces, like sending her good energy, sending her inspiration, sending her love, and of course the her in this scenario is me, and you can do this as well. The same thing with watering my plants. I love. I love, love, love having house plants. I am not always the most enthusiastic about caring for them, and I know that plants can feel energy and react to, you know, classical music versus negative words and all that stuff that you've probably seen a TikTok about.
And so I know this. And I wanna have a better attitude about my plants. And so over the weekend, I used it as a opportunity to bless my plants while I was watering them and appreciate them and let them [00:17:00] know I care about them. And I love their beauty, and I love their growth, and I love their vitality.
Like just to pour a little bit of that energy into them. The same thing could be. Said for anything that is a normal everyday activity that you find irritating or annoying. So like if you really don't like flossing your teeth, you could do a blessing of the teeth and gums ritual while you are flossing and doing the thing, thanking your body.
Thanking your mouth for being such a very vital piece of the way that you communicate and chew and all of the things that your mouth does for you, right? Like you can just kind of shift your energy and it literally takes no extra time to do this. It is the same action with just a different energy and a different intention, and it feels so, so good.
So give it a try. If. This is inspiring you. It really makes me think of one of my favorite authors, Karen [00:18:00] Mazen Miller. Her book, hand Wash Cold: Care Instructions for An Ordinary Life is one of my favorite reads. I just, I love the way she writes and this is a little blurb about the book from her website.
I wanna read it to you cuz it's like so good and touches on all of this. "It's easy to think that meaning fulfillment and bliss are out there somewhere outside of our daily routine. But in this playful yet profound reflection on awareness, the compelling voice of a self-described err wife and delinquent mother reveals the happiness at the bottom of the laundry basket, the love in the kitchen sink, and the peace possible in one's own backyard."
I highly, highly recommend reading or revisiting this book if this idea is speaking to you and just give this a try. I hope that today's episode inspires you to bless the forks and [00:19:00] find a deeper sense of fulfillment in your everyday life. Thank you so much for listening. Visit for links and notes from today's episode, connect with me on Instagram I'm @kaileenelise, please share this pod with anyone who could use a little extra magic in their everyday life.
Stay tuned for the next episode. I'll talk to you then.
Keep Reading for More Inspiration
Elevate Your Daily Rituals: How to Infuse Your Day with Intention
Are your daily routines feeling stale? Whether you’re looking to savor each bite at lunch or carve out tech-free time in your calendar, this episode is packed with practical tips and inspiring ideas. Tune in to start infusing life with intention and elevating your everyday.
About Kaileen Elise Sues
Hi, I'm Kaileen! Intuition coach, host of the Celebrate Cultivate podcast, and mom of three.
Until I found my inner voice, I was a perfectionist always on the edge of overwhelm. This practice changes everything.
That’s why I’m here to help you access your intuition. So you can heal old wounds, manifest magic, and find calm in the chaos of daily life.