Navigating Frustration and Finding Flow
We’re celebrating the two-year anniversary of the Celebrate Cultivate podcast by answering this listener question, “As you navigate the fullness of everyday life, is it possible to find ease and flow instead of frustration and pressure?” Tune in on Kaileen’s ideas for cultivating ease and finding flow, even when you are feeling frustration or pressure.
Prompts for self-reflection
Are you feeling frustration or pressure?
Are you sensing tightness or challenge?
Are you overwhelmed?
As you reflect on how you’re feeling, it helps to take an objective look at everything you have going on. And then stack that next to how you’re feeling. When I do this, I’m able to feel more compassion and understanding for where I am. Try it for yourself and see how it feels.
Let’s walk through what to do next to find ease and flow while navigating frustration or pressure…
Next, evaluate your current situation
Look at your feelings the way you look at the weather outside — observe how you’re feeling without judgment or added pressure.
When you’re aware of the weather, you adjust accordingly. Do you need sunscreen? Are there afternoon storm clouds that make you want to retreat into the house with a cup of tea?
Much like checking the weather, you can observe where you’re feeling frustration and make small adjustments to be more prepared, comfortable, etc.
A gentle reminder — you’re doing better than you think you are and you’re doing more than you realize. The overwhelm or pressure you’re feeling are real and valid.
A Year of Calm, A Year for You
You don’t need to download another self-help audiobook. You need to listen to your intuition.
Imagine how it’d feel to slow down, breathe, and reconnect to the peace within you.
I created A Year of Calm to take you from feeling blocked and broken to being centered and connected.
What are frustration and pressure?
When you’re navigating frustration or pressure, it helps to start by defining these feelings. Know it, see it, name it. Build awareness for how these feelings show up for you.
Here’s what they mean to me —
Frustration is the inner feeling I get when what I want on the inside isn’t reflected on the outside. I bump into frustration when what I want isn’t happening.
Pressure is when outer feelings or wants of others are pressing in on me. It is also sometimes the perception or prediction I make of what others want.
An invitation to explore your frustrations
What if the frustration or pressures you’re feeling aren’t actually you?
Does it feel freeing, good, or true to consider these feelings as their own thing? Does that help you allow them to flow through the situation? Just like a storm passing through, you’re weathering the storm.
You might need to prepare or clean up afterward, but you’ll experience the storm passing through and you know it won’t last forever. It’s just energy, a set of feelings and experiences.
You still might get mad. You still might be late or get stuck in traffic. You still might not show up as your favorite self. And all of that is because you’re a human being having feelings and experiences. You can see them and notice— then allow them to release and let go.
Cultivating ease and finding flow
Is it possible to expand with ease? Growth, change, and evolution do have a certain level of discomfort.
If you expect yourself to expand and grow and NEVER feel frustration or pressure, I invite you to look at that belief and consider releasing it. If it isn’t serving you, don’t hold on to it too tightly.
Notice your energy. When you are tired, rest.
When you feel like something is heavy, can your release it?
Tune in to what feels good for you.
Real quick, let’s talk about ease
Ease is all about alignment, technique, and the feeling of things clicking into place. It doesn’t mean that you don’t try or make any effort. It’s not necessarily easy. Explore ease for yourself and see what it means to you. How can you tap into ease and cultivate more? Even in the face or as a response to frustration and pressure
Listen to these from the podcast archives to start finding ease:
January 2021 - Can We Expand with Ease
July 2021 - Ease Isn’t Easy
But are you ready for flow?
Flow is a little different — similar to living your life and how the weather rises up to meet you. Flow is when you are doing something and you’re getting nudged along by inspiration, alignment, and serendipity. Flow feels good, and it’s also very tied to action. I believe you can find flow as a result of rest, but more often it is felt like “activated” energy.
5 ways to flow vs. getting stuck in frustration
Try these 5 ideas today —
Acknowledge and allow frustration and pressure. They exist, don’t fight them.
Find healthy, supportive ways to navigate those feelings. Do whatever works for you - therapy, movement, sleep, a supportive journal practice.
Create healthy boundaries. Getting wrapped up in drama and stories might be a choice you’re making unconsciously. Is there a different choice you can make?
Set yourself up for ease. Connecting with your intuition and tuning in to what you really desire will open the path to ease. Need some guidance? Book a coaching session.
Be ready for flow. Prioritize your alignment and taking inspired action. Tune into what feels inspiring for you. Flow shows up when you’re doing things and moving forward.
Listen to the Celebrate Cultivate Podcast
Keep Reading for More Inspiration
Elevate Your Daily Rituals: How to Infuse Your Day with Intention
Are your daily routines feeling stale? Whether you’re looking to savor each bite at lunch or carve out tech-free time in your calendar, this episode is packed with practical tips and inspiring ideas. Tune in and start infusing your life with intention and elevating your everyday.
About Kaileen Elise Sues
Hi, I'm Kaileen! Intuition coach, host of the Celebrate Cultivate podcast, and mom of three.
Until I found my inner voice, I was a perfectionist always on the edge of overwhelm. This practice changes everything.
That’s why I’m here to help you access your intuition. So you can heal old wounds, manifest magic, and find calm in the chaos of daily life.