Guided Meditation for the Spring Season
Here’s an 8-minute guided meditation that will help you tap into your inner voice and access the energy of spring. This season of growth and grounding brings an opportunity to find ease and enjoyment in daily life. And what better way to do that than by taking a few minutes to breathe deep and go inward? This meditation leads you gently to connect with your intuition and access the peace and calm within.
Welcome to the life-changing practice of trusting your intuition.
A Year of Inner Wisdom
Join The Season Sessions. Connect with your authentic self. Grow within a community of kindred spirits. Receive one-on-one coaching and access curated rituals each season.
Free 8-Minute Guided Meditation for the Spring Season
Listen to the guided meditation within today’s episode of Celebrate Cultivate by pressing play below, or find it on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
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After your meditation, take a moment to reflect & integrate.
After you finish the guided meditation, I invite you to reflect on how you feel. Is there anything you feel called to do? Anything you want to stop doing? Any wisdom from your intuition that you are inspired to explore? Remember to give yourself permission to pause and connect to your inner voice throughout everyday life. Find ways to incorporate stillness, deep breaths, and moments of meditation into your daily rhythms.
If this felt good, explore ways to deepen your intuition practice.
Explore more free guided meditations from the podcast archives. And if you feel inspired, here are three ways to work with me and experience the life-changing magic of intuition:
The Season Sessions — a yearlong membership that will help you cultivate a connection with your authentic self. Grow within a community of kindred spirits. Receive private coaching and access curated rituals each season.
Gift of Intuition — a single, 60-minute coaching session to help you access the answers within. This is a blend of guided meditation, emotional release, and intuitive inquiry. Perfect for new and returning clients.
21 Days to Intuition — a free course for finding more alignment and ease in 3 weeks with daily prompts and simple practices to help you listen to your intuition.
Welcome to Celebrate Cultivate, a podcast about celebrating the good in life and cultivating more of what you want. I'm your host Kaileen Elise. My intention is to offer deep breaths and ideas for appreciating the magic in everyday life. I'm here to help you listen to your intuition, trust your inner wisdom, and act with inspiration. Let's get to it. Hello, hello, hello. Welcome back to the Celebrate Cultivate podcast, I am your host Kaileen Elise Sues. And this is episode 143. Which is pretty cool, because I just realized that this is airing on 4/13, so it's like all the same numbers. I always love it when that happens. So today, I'm going to be talking a bit about tuning into your intuition this spring season. And then I'll be sharing a guided meditation for you to enjoy. This guided meditation is from The Season Sessions, my year-long coaching membership, where we dive deep into the magic of living with intuition, intention, and inspiration through all of the seasons of life. So the actual seasons in nature, spring, summer, fall, winter, but also the seasons of life that ebb and flow from having little babies and children growing to moving homes and jobs, from relationship changes and evolutions, the busy seasons, the slow seasons, all of those different seasons of life, are opportunities to tune inward. And we talk about all of that in The Season Sessions. So this is like a little sneak peek, a little preview into that experience, and also an opportunity for us to talk about why it is so beneficial to take breaks, to quiet the noise of the outside world and connect to your breath and bring your awareness inward to your inner voice. Of course, life is just life, right? We cannot actually control much of what happens in the external world. I believe that if we could things might look a little bit differently in a lot of our external day to day lives. But we can't control it, right? So what we can control is our reactions and our words, our thought patterns. And control is maybe too strong of a word. But we have a lot of influence over our inner world, and how we choose to move through life. And of course, there are varying degrees of that choice that we get to make, you know, if you were to ask me, maybe 20 years ago, when I was 18, how much choice I had in my day to day life, I would have told you well, like I'm choosing where I'm going to college. And I am choosing to work hard at swim practice and choosing to, you know, finish strong and school and all of these things. But a lot of that was also influenced by the pattern of life that I had lived to that point and my parents and society and all of these other external things. So we do have choices, of course, but our choices are also shaded and shadowed and influenced by a lot of other factors. Talking about the choices that we can make feels a little bit like murky territory, but my intention is to open the doorway to show you that pausing to take breaks and get quiet and press mute on the outside world that's going to help you tune into your intuition and be able to recognize the choices that you can make that maybe you weren't aware of. So when you are able to turn your phone on, do not disturb. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and really listen to your inner voice. That is when you'll be able to hear your inner wisdom and take that sense of calm that knowing that you are okay that you can trust yourself that you are guided all of that knowledge that you can bring that into The everyday hustle and bustle of life. And the spring season is a beautiful time to tune inward. Because there is a lot of movement and energy towards growth. I shared in an email earlier this week that this last few weeks, this last few months have felt very busy and full. For me, it has been a total blur. And that is really in sync with the spirit of the season, which is one of growth, right? Like in spring, we see a flourishing of nature and things coming back online that we thought maybe were dead, right, like I have plants in my yard that I definitely thought were going to be dead, that are now blooming again. And so that same thing is kind of true in our everyday lives when maybe you haven't, you know, done certain things or haven't had the energy for certain things. And now all of a sudden, your calendar might be totally booked out. And then there's that tension point of like, okay, can I handle all this? Or am I ready for it, maybe you have to find a new energy, a new ebb and flow, maybe you need to take a nap like these are I'm referencing real life experiences for me right now. So tuning into your intuition, this season is going to help you sync up with wherever you are in life, and help you access your inner wisdom to give you the answers and the guidance that you need for right now for the spring season, but also for wherever you are on your life path. And as we turn to the guided meditation that I'm going to be sharing with you today, it's eight and a half minutes long. And you were planning on listening to this podcast, like when you clicked on it, you knew it was 30 something minutes or whatever it ends up being. So consider this a little gift, right? Like you're here, you do not have to close your eyes and sit on a cushion to experience this guided meditation. I am always really trying to encourage my community and myself, and my clients and my friends and my family and my children that you can get these moments of connection, however serves you for where you are right now. So if you're a new mama with a tiny little baby, and you're like, I don't have time for meditation, I just was listening to this because I need to get out of my head for a minute. Well, here you go. All right, do whatever you need to do. You don't have to sit in silence and in stillness to gain the benefits of this guided meditation you can be walking, you can be doing the dishes, you can be driving as long as you keep your eyes open and drive safely. Like you can do whatever you need to do. Or you can say I have nine minutes to sit still and close my eyes and breathe. Whatever feels good and true for you. I invite you to to explore that. Now. This guided meditation is focused on helping you connect to your inner voice and the energies of this spring season. This is a season of growth and grounding, a time for ease and enjoyment. And so those are the things that will be tuning into this guided meditation. So just make yourself comfortable. Do whatever you need to. And let's go into the meditation.
Hello, welcome to The Season Sessions. This is your spring guided meditation. I'm your intuition coach and retreat host Kaileen Elise, begin by finding a comfortable place to be with yourself for the next few minutes. Close your eyes if you'd like breathe through your nose, if that's available. And as you come into this space, do one thing now to get a bit more comfortable as you inhale and exhale, allow my words to flow around you. Holding on to whatever resonates and letting anything that doesn't work for you to wash away like water. As this meditation begins, set the intention that this time serve and support you. In this space of quiet. Allow your inner wisdom, your intuition to share with you knowings feelings, scenes or words there is no need to try to take note or remember what comes through. simply enjoy the sensation and experience of being here. Spring is a season of growth and grounding, a time for ease and enjoyment. And these next few minutes are an opportunity to settle into these energies. Embrace the properties and qualities of spring. Allow them to comfort, soothe, replenish and rejuvenate you spring is an arrival after wading through the winter for sunshine and warm spring steps in and shows promise of what's to come. Spring brings growth and grounding through sunshine and warmer days. There is an expansive spirit to spring with both a desire to root down into the earth and sprout out an upward with fresh new leaves as you breathe here, notice how any or all of this is showing up in your own life. How have you grown? Where are you growing? What feels grounding? How are you supported? Where can you find ease and enjoyment? What is spring here to give you how can spring nourish you. What do you want to celebrate this season? And what do you want to cultivate? Breathe into your inner wisdom and as you exhale let out worry doubt and fear inhale ease breathe out frustration anger confusion take a deep breath in an access alignment let out overwhelm anxiety and stress in and out in and out fresh air in anything that feels stuck, sticky, stagnant out. Allow this season this spring to support you. Allow it to shine the light on what is fresh, grounded and good for you. Try something new release old expectations take a fresh approach to an all problem or an old worry. And as we've seen finish this guided meditation, invite your intuition to share a final piece of wisdom with you. Now, anything at all that's your intuition wants you to see, to hear, to know or to realize. Good. Breathe into that. Exhale any thoughts, interpretations or judgments. Inhale that wisdom. Settle in deeper. Feel it here. Now place your hands on your heart in a gesture of appreciation for taking the time to connect with yourself, your inner wisdom, and this season. Take a deep breath in. Big exhale out. And whenever you're ready, blink your eyes open and return to your day.
Okay, so welcome back, take a sip of water, do whatever you need to kind of bring yourself back into this space. As you're coming back into where you are right now, I invite you to take a few moments to reflect on how you feel. I know I said in the guided meditation, you didn't have to hold on to anything you didn't have to try to capture whatever your inner voice was sharing with you. But now you can reflect back on if there's anything you feel called to do, or anything you want to stop doing based on how you feel from that experience. Is there any wisdom from your intuition that you are inspired to explore further? Just kind of let that simmer or let those questions ponder. And if anything's coming up to the surface, you don't have to like really strive hard to gain these insights, just let what comes come. And you'll know if it's time to take action on something. If maybe you simply just feel called to do a few more meditations or a few minutes a day to just breathe. Just remember to give yourself permission to pause and connect to your inner voice as you flow through your days. Find ways that feel easy and good and true for you to incorporate stillness and deep breaths, and maybe meditation. But it doesn't again, it does not have to look like 30 minutes sitting on a cushion three times a day. I know that for me personally, that ideal is a real turn off for meditation altogether. And so for me where I am right now in my life, I find meditative moments. And then I do guided meditations that I create for you. And I enjoy other's creations like Bella Lively just came out with a bunch of beautiful meditations I've yet to explore. But I'm very excited to. So I did this meditation that I just shared with you. I did it before I sat down to record. And for me, what I feel called to do is to continue to share in this work with you. So as I'm sharing things for you, I feel called to do more of that for me and with my own inner voice, which of course that makes total sense. But there have been seasons in my life where I was creating, creating, creating, creating. And I didn't really have the bandwidth to create an experience and share and do all of that at the same time. And so I'm in this point for me personally of integrating the work that I've already created this guided meditation for the season sessions for the spring season I created over a year ago. And so revisiting it seemed like oh yeah, this really resonates and still feel so good and supportive, and I'm excited to share it with the podcast. That is, that's what feels good and right and true for me. There isn't really anything that I feel called to stop doing right now. And the wisdom for my intuition that I feel called to explore is this idea of just continuing to deepen and deepen and deepen my connection to my intuition, as opposed to going outward. And I, again, that feels so simple, feels like total common logic. But feeling that truth for my inner wisdom, it, it means more than just having that mental knowing that we often operate from. So if you enjoyed this guided meditation, and if you want to spend more time connecting with your intuition, my year long coaching membership, the season sessions might be perfect for you. So tune into your intuition and ask your inner wisdom. Ask your inner voice, "Is The Season Sessions right for me? Should I join The Season Sessions?" And if you're getting a yes, I am so excited to support you, and honor you. When you join, you get a full year of coaching, that includes for one on one sessions with me, you also get an amazing community of women who are on the same path and journey alongside you. We have folks from different places and stages of life, different career backgrounds, but everyone in the season sessions is really in this pathway of listening to inner wisdom, inner voice intuition and acting from a place of alignment, which is not uncommon. But it's also not super common. So it's really nice to be in a community of others who are doing that same thing to say, oh, yeah, I know exactly how that feels. Or I haven't thought of it that way. Thank you for sharing, and it's just such an amazing kindred community. There's also a lot of opportunities to find inspiration and ways to connect your intuition in everyday life. So we have three group coaching calls every season, we have journal prompts, and guided meditations like this one. It is really a program and a year that has been created by me to help you connect to your inner wisdom, your inner voice throughout the seasons of your life. And it is a life changing experience for those who join. So if it feels like the right time for you, spring is an amazing season to join us because like I said, there is so much energy in growth and flourishing. But it's also the time at least in my garden in my life where there is a lot of going through things and getting rid of things and releasing old stories, old patterns, things that used to serve you that are no longer serving you. Spring is a good time of upheaval and regrowth. So if you feel connected and call to explore that, let me know I'm here to help you make those connections and take that leap. And of course, listen to what your inner voice has to say. And really only join if it feels good and aligned for you. Everyone who's in the season sessions I know is there because they felt that yes from their inner voice. So you can learn more at Or you can connect with me on Instagram. I'm @kaileenelise. And right now it is a really good time to join the season sessions because members get a 44% discount on all my other experiences that I offer throughout the year. And right now we are on the heels of Magical May becoming available. If you joined magical may before then you know what it's all about. And if you don't know, we'll be sharing more information soon. But if Magical May is something that you think you're going to join, and you've been wanting to have a session with me or maybe two or three, then join the season sessions and you'll get that discount and it'll be totally worth it. It's a really good deal when you do both at the same time. Okay, my friend. Thank you as always for listening. Be sure to subscribe, leave a review and share this podcast with your friends. Here is what I want you to know you are doing so well. You are guided on the path to your desire errs. Stay curious. Watch for magic. Keep listening to your intuition. Play with trusting the beautiful wisdom you receive. And when you act, let inspiration flow through you, even in the smallest ways. Thank you so much for listening. Visit for links and notes from today's episode, connect with me on Instagram. I'm @kaileenelise. Please share this pod with anyone who could use a little extra magic in their everyday life. Stay tuned for the next episode. I'll talk to you then.
Your inner voice has answers you can't find anywhere else.
Inner Clarity on the Daily
21 Days to Intuition is a free course with daily prompts and simple practices to help you listen to your intuition through everyday life.
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4 Reasons to Pause, Breathe, and Listen to Your Inner Voice — Plus, More Free Guided Meditations
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About Kaileen Elise Sues
Hi, I'm Kaileen! Intuition coach, host of the Celebrate Cultivate podcast, and mom of three. Before learning to listen to my inner voice, I was a perfectionist always on the edge of overwhelm.
This practice has changed everything. It’s helped me heal old wounds, navigate daily dramas, manifest magic, and live with a deep sense of inner peace. That's why I became a coach — to help others access intuition, trust what they hear, and act from there.