Staying Grounded Through Change + Guided Meditation for Shifting to Summer
Transitioning from one season to the next isn’t always smooth. Sometimes it’s downright difficult! Learn how to stay grounded through change with ideas you can put into action immediately. Plus, enjoy a short meditation on shifting into summer with alignment.
Life gets crazy when you’re cruising from one season to the next, but that doesn’t mean you can’t stay grounded through the chaos.
Personally, my family is already in full-on summer mode with my two oldest on break and in different camps almost every week. Earlier this year, around February and March, I felt an immense pressure to get the kids into the best camps. I even had calendar reminders set and color coded spreadsheets to keep track!
Now that summer’s here, I’m overwhelmed by all that I scheduled for this season. I’m flowing through the emotions and reminding myself that we don’t have to “do summer” like this again if we don’t like it. We can adjust and make changes. This summer, I’m gathering data.
One thing I’ve learned so far is the importance of staying grounded through the chaos. Here are a few things I’m doing:
Not rushing when there’s no rush.
Taking slow, steady breaths when I’m overwhelmed.
Elevating my daily rituals for summer.
Always, always coming back to intuition.
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Journal prompt! Ask yourself, “What do I want to finish or wrap up before summer begins?”
When I reflect on this question, a few things bubble up to the surface:
First, my closet is in disarray!
I got behind on putting away my laundry and have been trying new outfit combinations, which means there’s clothes everywhere. Also, I taught a few vision boarding classes recently and really would like to make a fresh vision board for summer on the bulletin board in my closet. But first, I need to tidy up.
Second, my computer files are driving me crazy!
I’ve been less diligent about categorizing files, cleaning up my desktop and clearing out my downloads folder, so I just need to set a timer to focus and get that project done. I’m also feeling called to make a new vision board for my desktop wallpaper. Again, those fresh summer vibes are pulling for my attention.
And, my calendar needs some love!
When one of my clients get stressed and overwhelmed, the first thing she wants to do is create a new color coding system for her calendar. This is her brain’s way of trying to control the crazy. Now I know that when she mentions “organizing” her calendar, something’s bugging her.
Let me say, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to have your calendar feel good!
I’m a big fan of having things a certain way. But! One of the biggest pitfalls with "calendering” is the tendency to fill in every single pocket of time. It’s so tempting to shove things into each beautifully coded 15 minute square.
When I say my calendar also needs love, what that really means is making sure there’s enough white space in my days. Enough room for magic to shine through. I’m craving spaciousness this summer and I want my calendar to reflect that desire.
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How to Stay Grounded Through Change
When the seasons shift, there’s a lot of transitions. Home, work, and school schedules change. You (and your children) need different clothes. Even the food you eat will probably change (less soups and cozy meals, more salads and grilling out). Expectations everywhere need to adjust.
Transitions aren’t always easy or smooth. Growing up and in college, I was a competitive swimmer. In swimming, starts, flip turns, and finishes are where you can lose or make up time. How fast you swim matters, of course, but races are often won and lost in the transitions.
So, how can you flow through this transition and stay grounded through the changing seasons? Here are 6 ideas for you to try:
Spend time outside. Nature is inherently grounding. Go outside, take a few deep breaths, feel the air on your skin, the earth at your feet, and look up at the sky to see what you see.
Make sleep a priority. The sun sets later and rises earlier in summer. Prioritizing sleep (when you can!) will have a lasting impact on how you enjoy your summer.
Hydrate your body. Drink water with the intention to hydrate, connect with your body, and gain clarity from intuition. A nutritionist once told me that being dehydrated sends stress signals to the body... so sipping water throughout the day is a literal act of self-care!
Journal with intuition. Connect with your inner wisdom through journaling. When you’re anxious, worried, or struggling with plans, open to a blank page and write to find the answers you’re craving.
Consume content that feels inspiring, grounding, and encouraging. As you're scrolling your Instagram feed, give yourself permission to mute or unfollow accounts that make you feel bad, weird, or like you’re not doing enough.
Bring micro routines to your days. When you're feeling out of sorts and craving routine, look for small ways to bring routine to your days. By shrinking your expectations and your efforts, you’ll be able to hold onto routines and habits easier. Tiny Habits by BJ Fogg is an excellent book on this topic!
Guided Meditation for Shifting Into Summer
Be sure to stay to the end of this episode for a short guided meditation. It will remind you that you don’t have to do everything for things to happen.
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About Kaileen Elise Sues
Hi, I'm Kaileen! Intuition coach, host of the Celebrate Cultivate podcast, and mom of three.
Until I found my inner voice, I was a perfectionist always on the edge of overwhelm. This practice changes everything.
That’s why I’m here to help you access your intuition. So you can heal old wounds, manifest magic, and find calm in the chaos of daily life.