Unlocking the Life-Changing Magic of Intuition
Join Kaileen as she reveals how trusting intuition has transformed her life. Learn the power in releasing emotions and taking aligned action, and discover practical tips for accessing your inner wisdom.
What is Intuition?
Intuition is that "gut feeling" or inner voice of wisdom that guides us towards what is right and true for us. When you start listening to your intuition and acting on the guidance you receive, you will feel less overwhelmed and more aligned in daily life. Your intuition can support you in making small, everyday choices and in big, life-changing decisions.
Step 01. Cultivate Your Inner Voice, aka Listen Within
The first step to unlocking your intuition is learning to listen within. You can journal with your inner voice, work with a coach, or do anything else that helps you get you into the habit of listening within.
Once you start listening within, you'll feel more peaceful and have more clarity on what to do and when to do it. You will also have a new level of creativity and inspiration because intuition is less influenced by trends or social media and more aligned with your inner being.
Step 02. Release Emotions That Are Safe and Ready
When you are in the safe state of awareness that is your inner wisdom, you may find that unresolved emotions come up. These heavy or difficult emotions aren’t coming up because there is anything wrong. In fact, it is good when they come up and are ready to be released.
In my client sessions, I guide you through a process that feels a lot like a guided meditation and breath work. You can also release emotions with other modalities. Whatever feels most effective for you! When you feel emotions fully and release them, there’s more space for your intuition to shine through.
A Year of Calm, A Year for You
You don’t need to download another self-help audiobook. You need to listen to your intuition.
Imagine how it’d feel to slow down, breathe, and reconnect to the peace within you.
I created A Year of Calm to take you from feeling blocked and broken to being centered and connected.
Step 03. Wait for Alignment to Spark Action
Once you've tuned in to intuition and released emotions, then it becomes much easier to wait for alignment to inspire the actions you take.
With this approach, you won’t always know what you're going to do your intuition guides you. It's a subtle difference, but it's something that has really helped me flow and manifest beyond my wildest dreams.
Embrace the Life-Changing Magic of Intuition
Trusting your intuition can bring incredible transformation to your life. By cultivating a relationship with your inner voice, releasing emotions, and waiting for alignment to spark your actions, you can experience more clarity, ease, and flow in your everyday.
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Today, we are going to talk about the life changing magic of intuition. And how trusting your intuition can really unlock changes from within. This is of course, because my annual course magical may begins in just a few days. And if you are wondering if this is the year that you should sign up, or if you should join us again, today's episode is going to help you come to that conclusion, through our conversation help you guide yourself into your intuition to get that yes, or that no or that not right now. And, of course, if you're listening to this months and months from now, or whenever it lands in your ears, it will certainly support you in trusting your intuition and understanding this life changing magic. I am Kaileen Elise Sues, like I said, I'm a mom of three I have children who birthdays are on the horizon, and almost five year old and almost seven year old and a one and a half year old. So I've been in the thick of it with little children for many years now. And that's certainly a piece of my identity at the moment. I have a background in corporate HR and recruiting. I came to entrepreneurship have a handful of years ago, and helped my father launch a health and wellness website. And I helped him co write a book and get that published. I started a website design business many years ago. Now. Gosh, it was yeah, that was in 2019. And then got trained by Bella lively in inner voice facilitation in 2020. And at the end of that year, Ilaunched my coaching business. Since then I have hosted courses and group coaching experiences like magical May I have a membership called the season sessions. And I've done over 101 on one sessions with clients helping them tune into their inner voice and get the wisdom and get the answers that they crave from within. So my style of coaching is very different than some other coaches out there who will share with you what they think is best for you. And I of course do have opinions about what is best for people. I'm an Aries, I am an Enneagram eight, and a human design projector. So I have all of these different elements coming at me from within that really do have strong opinions and wisdom on what's best for others. But the best, best, best, best best thing for others. And for me and for all of us is learning how to listen inward and receive the wisdom that we have within us because all of the teachings out there, every bit of insight, every bit of information. While it can be really helpful, clarifying supportive, educational, expansive. It isn't until it's integrated within and aligned with your inner wisdom, that it's actually going to move you forward in the way that you really want in a way that is deeply satisfying and fulfilling in your life. So let's talk a little bit about how this all works. What is the life changing magic of intuition? I mean, first of all, let's say thank you so much Marie Kondo for giving me the inspiration for this term. I adore Marie Kondo. The life changing Magic of Tidying Up real really was a very helpful book for me on my journey of minimalism and getting rid of things. And it's a great example of me having this inner knowing that the way I was living and some of the things I felt like I needed to have, or needed to do, like, hold on to stuff that wasn't bringing me joy anymore. That book gave me some permission and framework to trust my inner wisdom. So again, I'm not saying that you can never go out and learn from anybody. No, no, no, that's not it at all. But learning to listen to your intuition, and then using outer inputs to support you. That's just I have found a way more aligning way to live. So the first part is listening within. So your intuition, your inner voice, your inner wisdom is that deep well, I have information within you, that is true and loving, and in the best and highest for you, but also for those in your world, in your community. And for the whole universe. Really, everybody's inner voices and their intuition are in alignment with what is the best and highest for all. It's tricky, because a lot of times we have learned as a society, the intuition is this thing, that's like a gut knowing or like that could save you if you don't listen to your intuition, like you could go down the wrong path in life, and it'll end up in disaster. So it's kind of shaded with this, like reputation for being something that isn't easy to access, that just kind of like falls in your lap when you really need it. And then also, like, if you don't listen to it, or you don't trust it, you're really screwed. I don't really believe any of that. I think that's just kind of like media hype, for lack of a better term, you know, just like the drama of things get kind of blown out of proportion, intuition is available for you 24/7. And a lot of the people I work with, even the people who haven't worked with one on one, but do my free course 21 days to intuition, many of those people go through that experience of just tuning into their intuition every single day on tiny subtle prompts, like using your intuition to pick out what to wear, or how to what way to drive to work, you know, these little itty bitty things that really are no consequence in the scheme of things. And what you learned through that practice is that you can access your intuition on any number of things, tiny, big, all of it. And you also learn that I had a client, I was just reading her response today, to one of the questions in 21 days to intuition, she said that she had this preconceived notion that if she didn't listen to her intuition, her intuition would be mad at her. And that what she learned from doing 21 days intuition is that her intuition loves her, even when she expresses her free will to not listen to her intuition. So I thought that was incredible and beautiful and so insightful. And so, so true. Your intuition is a piece of you that loves you, no matter what you do. And my inner voice has always told me that all paths lead to the same point. So when you think about like a river with all those different possibilities that feed into the same ocean, it some of them are windy, or some of them are, you know, have more cracks in the road, but they're leading to that same place. And so the same thing is true in your life. Sometimes you you know, have more wandering path, and sometimes you take the direct route. Neither one is bad or good, as long as you're in alignment with your intuition and even when you're not in alignment with your intuition, that is okay, too. So you can cultivate the practice of listening within listening and word by doing things like 21 days to intuition, my free course that takes you through daily prompts to listen to your intuition. You can journal with your inner voice every single day. I know that is a super powerful practice for people. You can just journal with your inner voice when you need it, right like as needed. You can work one on one with a coach like me, or do other experiences that get you into that habit of listening and word for some people. That's prayer, or therapy or running, right? There's so many different ways to listen to your intuition. The main thing is the intention to listen. A lot of times when we go into a conversation with someone Eddie, we're really just thinking about what we're going to say next. So listening is a habit that we have to cultivate. And then we have to really set that intention to listen inward. And the same thing is true for our inner voice. If we want to hear it, we have to slow down our mind, breathe, exhale, exhale, exhale, and actually listen to what we can receive within. And then the next piece is playing with actually doing whatever it is that you receive from your intuition. That takes some experimentation and trust. And again, I really like to offer a playful nature, because then it like takes some of the pressure off. But that's something that over time, you can really start to cultivate that listening and word, the pause, breathe, ask your intuition. What do I need? Or what should I do? Or what can I do? Those little tiny questions can be really helpful. As you cultivate this practice of listening and word, you are going to feel a lot more peaceful in your every day, you'll have more clarity on what to do and when to do it. Sometimes you'll have clarity that there's nothing that you need to do right now. And you'll also have more access to creativity and inspiration, because you are accessing a piece of you that is less influenced by trends and social media and all these other things that can kind of damp in our creative juices. So once you've got that piece in place, the next step is emotional release. So in that safe state of awareness where you go when you are listening to your intuition, it becomes safe for old trapped emotions to come up and to come out and to be released. There is nothing that you've ever done wrong, to have these emotions come up and come out. It's simply that when you're in that deep state of awareness, it becomes safe and ready for these emotions to release. And Eckhart Tolle refers to those emotions as the pain body. Bella lively who was once known as Jess lively, she calls those emotional beanbags. So if you've ever heard her talk about that, that's what I'm talking about here. Emotions stay within the body. And they can really be something that makes it difficult to hear your inner voice on a particular topic, or at all. And so when I work with a client one on one, that is something that we almost always encounter in a session is I will be asking about a particular topic directly to the inner voice, and the client will really just feel like I'm getting an emotion of frustration or anger or confusion or fear. And so you can't really hear the inner voice. And even if you can hear it, it isn't really that believable because that emotion is residing within the body. And so the mind isn't equipped to release these emotions. It's really your awareness that can transmute those energies, those emotions, and we do it through breathing through directing your awareness to that place in the body, where you feel that beanbag where you feel that emotion, and then you breathe in it and you allow yourself to feel that energy, and sit with it, and breathe through it until it's complete until it is totally felt until the charge is totally gone. This is a practice you can absolutely do on your own, or in therapy or, again, with a practitioner, or even. There's other ways to release emotion, right through exercise, body movement, all sorts of things, somatic therapy. Again, there is not a one right way, there's not one single path, all paths lead to the same outcome. But in my practice in offering this to you, I will say that it is really helpful to do this one on one with an inner voice facilitator or somebody else who has, you know, this the ability to hold space for you. And the other thing that I really like for all of my clients to know is that the minds may be fearful of this practice. But the intention and the autonomy that you have is that everything is safe and ready to release. So you don't have to go searching for beanbags you don't have once you get the hang of it. You don't have to be like okay, I'm gonna release all of these emotions, and just get myself super clear. No, no, no, no, no. I think of emotional releases like pimples. You know, I've got on right now actually, it's it's hormonal.
My cycle is at that point where I usually just get one pinfall. And it is not ready to be picked at is not ready to be popped, it is not safe and ready to be released. So if I go digging around in that I'm just gonna hurt myself and it's not going to be pretty, right? Literally, it's not going to be pretty. So I'm just going to be patient and wait, and when the time comes, if it comes, I will take care of the pimple. And if it doesn't, that's okay, too, right? Like, not every emotion has to get released in the moment. But if it's safe and ready, you can I have an experience just this last week, I shared it on my Instagram Stories, where I was at the mall, I was shopping and doing returns, it was sunny, it was a beautiful day I had I was having the best time. And then I had an encounter in one of the stores. That was not ideal. And also I felt emotionally so triggered and charged in a way that felt, to my mind, really, out of proportion for wow, I should have felt. And that's how I knew it was an emotional release that needed to happen. Because it was like that, you know, it's fine to be like a little miffed about the situation. But I really felt personally attacked. And I had some serious feelings. And these are the kinds of things that you know, if I was in a session with somebody else facilitating for me, I would release, but I had the time and space I didn't have anywhere to go. There was a bench available, it was like it's an outdoor mall. So there was like a bench available. And again, the sun was out there was a breeze like it was really beautiful outside and I had my sunglasses on. So I just felt very safe and okay to breathe through it and really feel those emotions and see where they were located in the body and bring my awareness there and breathe through them and exhale, and release and stay with it. And just keep following it and move to a few different locations and my body emotions kind of like shifted from one to the next. And I just stayed with it and waited and patiently breathe through it cried a little bit. Totally normal, totally okay. And then I felt so much better. And when I relayed the conversation that happened to my husband, you know, I didn't feel that like drama inside of me the attack the like, the horrible feeling that was like, Okay, this happened. Not ideal, but also maybe not that bad. Like, it's totally fine. So that is a very, like, recent and minor example of motional release. But it is really something that can help you clear space, for your intuition to shine through, make it easier for you to hear your inner voice, and also help you live with more ease and clarity in everyday life. As you learn that practice. And as you get the support that you need to cultivate that practice, then, if you think about like the span of your life, you won't be accumulating these emotions to carry forward like that beanbag of emotion that I encountered in that moment, it's not in me anymore. And if I hadn't released it, it would still be in me and may or may not get released for like another 15 years. And that's fine. You know, we're I'm still releasing things that happened back in the you know, before period of my life before I knew how to do this. But I'm accumulating less moving forward. And that's just really, really cool to me. Okay, so the third thing is aligned action. So once you've tuned into your intuition and listened inward, and released those emotions that might be in the way from you clearly hearing what you're receiving, then it becomes much easier to take action, and to wait for aligned action to spark what you do next. So we all hear about aligned action or taking, you know, finding alignment before you take action. And all of that is like really, really good. But one of the things that doesn't get talked about very often is waiting for alignment to spark your action. The way I used to think about it, and maybe it's just me misunderstanding things, but I used to think I decide that I have to do a thing like pay taxes. So then I trick myself into getting in alignment so that paying taxes is less painful. That's The formula I use to think of the way I look at it now, what I'm offering to you here is to consider the alignment, the thing that inspires the action, that you don't necessarily know what action you're going to take until you've tuned into your intuition released emotions that are getting in the way, and then awaiting alignment to spark the action. It's a subtle difference. But it's something that has really helped me flow and manifest in behind magic and things that I wouldn't have necessarily done if I wasn't following my intuition and following the flow of alignment. So why is this all life changing? I mean, really, the thing that is most life changing to me is how it feels to be me, when I am practicing this practice, when I'm doing this practice, my life on paper, and what you might see if you looked at my calendar, or if you asked me about my days, it is the same as it would be if I wasn't doing this practice, for the most part, you know, I guess, probably flowing into this work, I may not have done that, I would probably still be designing websites, if it weren't for the fact that I was listening to my intuition. And that's what guided me here. So maybe that's a little bit, you know, not true that it's like totally the same either way. But I do believe that for many of my clients I can speak to, they haven't changed their careers, they are doing kind of their same normal life that they were doing before they started unlocking their intuition and listening to what is within them releasing those emotions and practicing aligned action, their life looks the same, but they feel so much more calm, and aligned, safe, and flowy and fun. And even when they aren't feeling those things. When life gets hard, or there's bumps in the road or they get frustrated with their kids or their partner or their neighbors or whatever their clients like those things happen. But they have the tools and the resources to drop back into flow to release those emotions to get that love and wisdom from within from their intuition in a way that they didn't before they started this practice. I hope this inspires you to give it a try to listen within to release your emotions, to take aligned action and see what life changing magic can unfold for you. And if you're interested in joining me for magical May, it is a month long course and group coaching program that begins on May 1. So you have from today till May 1 to sign up. And what it includes is four live group coaching sessions. Each week focuses on a different topic. So we've got week one, which is on how to gain clarity through intuition. Week two is on how to access your inner courage. Week three is on how to cultivate meaningful connections. Week four is on how to find alignment through your choices. And there's also a bonus module called the magic continues, which is on how to find closure at the end of this magical month, and how to continue forward with the practice. So within the course, it's all housed online in the studio is what I call it. And if you've done 21 days to intuition or if you're a member of the season sessions, then you'll have encountered the studio before within that there are audio lessons guided meditations, practices, playlists and prompts on those weekly themes. And I have gone through all of that over the last few weeks to just tweak and revise and edit from last year to make it fresh for this year. And I'm really honestly so impressed with what is in there and so excited to re experience it with you this month. If you have done magical maybe before some of this is gonna feel like a reminder of what you've done before. But just like how you go to yoga once a week are those things that you do every so often like go get a massage, like we do things over and over again. That feel good. I hope that magical May is that for you. If you come back year over year that you get some of that same familiar goodness but then also get some fresh magic from the group but also from how you've evolved and changed and grown since you did magical May last year. There's also a community Voxer room for connections. So in between those group coaching calls, we can chat and boxer share questions, inspiration, really help support and guide each other through this month. And then there's also bonus guided meditations to help you set intentions for the experience, and then also to tune into the energies of the full moon and the new moon when those come up through the month. And then the best part is something I'm adding into magical May this year that hasn't been included in the past is that you get a one on one session with me to help you practice listening to your intuition. So it's a mini intuition session, it's 44 minutes long. It's the perfect amount of time for a past client to dip their toes back into listening to intuition. And then if you've never had an inner voice session before, it's going to be the perfect amount of time to give you a little taste and to focus on what your intuition wants you to know about the magic in your life. So in a nutshell, magical Mei is going to help you access your inner wisdom on the daily connect with kindred spirits, and feel the magic in your life. Again, you can sign up today for $444 past participants, anybody who's done magical money before in any form or fashion the past four years, you can get a code for $111 off. So if that's you, make sure to send me a message on Instagram, I'm at Kaileen Elise or send me an email that Hello at Kaileen Elise so that you can get the code and use it. And members of the season sessions you get a code for 44% off, so almost half off. And I just want to invite you, no matter where you are in your journey, to open yourself up to listening to your intuition releasing the emotions that are getting in the way and waiting for alignment to spark the action that you take in your life. All of that is going to open you up to magic and try it out on this decision on whether or not magical May is the right thing for you. If you're here and you're made it this far through this episode, then you're probably a little bit interested in magical May. So just take a few moments. to exhale, exhale, exhale to ask your inner voice. Should I sign up for magical May? And then listen, listen, listen. You might get a yes, you might get a maybe you might get a No Not right now. Whatever you get, trust it experiment with really listening to your inner voice. My intention is that everybody who joins magical May is aligned with their inner voice and is coming into this group for a month of magic like that is exactly what I want and know is going to happen.
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About Kaileen Elise Sues
Hi, I'm Kaileen! Intuition coach, host of the Celebrate Cultivate podcast, and mom of three.
Until I found my inner voice, I was a perfectionist always on the edge of overwhelm. This practice changes everything.
That’s why I’m here to help you access your intuition. So you can heal old wounds, manifest magic, and find calm in the chaos of daily life.