Inner Voice 101: Answering Your Intuition FAQs
What is intuition? Is it ever wrong? What can you do to strengthen it? Join me as I answer your frequently asked questions about hearing your inner voice and trusting the wisdom you receive.
Learning how to listen to your intuition takes time. It requires you to pay attention to what’s happening inside your awareness, instead of always listening to the mind.
There’s a great book about the various inner voices within the mind called Chatter: The Voice in Our Head, Why It Matters, and How to Harness It by Ethan Kross. Check it out if you’re looking to understand why you have mental chatter and where it comes from.
What is intuition and what is the inner voice?
Your intuition is your inner voice of wisdom within. I use the terms “intuition” and “inner voice” interchangeably. When you allow your intuition to guide you, you will feel less stressed and overwhelmed.
Use your intuition to make small, everyday choices and in big, life-changing decisions. Here’s a simple process for living with more intuition:
Feel – Release Emotional Blocks
Emotional energy can make it difficult to hear your inner voice. When you learn to feel and release these blocks, you'll be able to access your intuition with more ease and clarity.
Receive – Access Intuition
Find a quiet moment and bring your awareness to the place inside where you feel your inner voice. Switch on "listening mode" and exhale thoughts away as they arise.
Trust – Take Aligned Action
Play with trusting the guidance you receive. Even if it feels silly or frivolous, give yourself permission to act in ways that feel supportive, good, and aligned for you.
Do you hear an actual voice?
When I place my awareness inside my body, and exhale thoughts away as they arise, I feel words arise from deep within my center. I don’t hear words the way I hear my husband when he speaks to me. It’s more similar to how I hear words inside my awareness when I read to myself.
Play, experiment, and let yourself to explore how your intuition arises for you. It’s very common to see (or get the sense of seeing) images and pictures visually instead of hearing words. You could also get silence, feelings, or gut knowings from your inner voice.
4 ways to strengthen your intuitive connection
Pause. Breathe. Ask your inner voice, “What do I need?”
Journal with your intuition. Take this free class.
Use it to help you make low stakes decisions.
A Year of Calm for You
You don’t need another self-help audiobook. You need to listen to your intuition.
Imagine how it’d feel to slow down, breathe, and reconnect to the peace within.
A Year of Calm is your ticket to ending overwhelm and thriving in your life.
What are signs that inner voice is speaking to you?
Seeing aligned numbers, like 222 or 11:11
Seeing your signs, like bunnies, blue butterflies, green lights, and empty parking spaces
Getting a “download” or “ping” that’s a clear knowing
More about emotional releasing aka “Bean Bag Releasing”
Bella Lively, the creator of IVFT and host of The Lively Show podcast, calls emotional releasing “bean bag releasing” because the first time she did it, the emotion felt like a bean bag inside her body.
When I was going through my back pain journey last year, I came upon Alan Gordon’s work, Pain Reprocessing Therapy, and his book, The Way Out: A Revolutionary, Scientifically Proven Approach to Healing Chronic Pain.
I was shocked to find that both approaches are very similar. And, of course, there are many other modalities that aim to help you feel emotions so the emotions release. Once you release the emotions, it’s much easier to hear your inner voice and it becomes much easier to trust the wisdom you receive.
In my personal experience, my tendency to second-guess everything and question all of my decisions has flattened since releasing emotions as they arise and listening to my inner voice. You can do this on your own, but it helps to receive guidance from an inner voice facilitator. Click here to book a session with me.
Can your intuition be wrong? How do you handle situations when it seems like intuition is wrong?
After following my inner voice’s guidance for more than five years now, I can tell you this: the intuition doesn’t view “right” and “wrong” the same way as the mind.
My inner voice has told me many times, “All paths lead to the same point.” Which means, going right or going left will take you to the same place. Of course, this doesn’t make mental sense! But it’s the truth and wisdom from my intuition.
When it feels like your intuition is wrong, ask more questions. Ask a hundred more questions! Journal with your intuition if that feels good. Practice releasing the emotions that arise from feeling like your intuition is wrong. Book an hour of intuition to find out what your inner voice wants you to know.
Listen to the Celebrate Cultivate Podcast
More episodes about inner voice and intuition
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Intuitive Living: Making Time, Trusting Your Gut, and Daily Practices
Do you have a hard time trusting your gut? Always forgetting to tune in? These are two common struggles when it comes to living with intuition. I’m sharing my best tips for overcoming both, plus rituals to deepen your connection.
About Kaileen Elise Sues
Hi, I'm Kaileen! Intuition coach, host of the Celebrate Cultivate podcast, and mom of three.
Until I found my inner voice, I was a perfectionist always on the edge of overwhelm. This practice changes everything.
That’s why I’m here to help you access your intuition. So you can heal old wounds, manifest magic, and find calm in the chaos of daily life.