Gathering Wisdom in the Messy Middle: Free Meditation and Preview of A Year of Calm
Take a moment to explore the messy middle, specifically the middle of the year. What guidance does past-you and future-you hold? Even if you’re on a walk, running errands, or driving somewhere, use this guided meditation as a time of quiet reflection and opportunity to visualize yourself in the past of January and future of December. After listening, notice if you feel called to journal, doodle, or share your insights with someone. Share with me on Instagram, I’m @kaileenelise.
I'm back from a week in Florida with my family. It was lovely and exhausting. As my husband said, we weren't on vacation, we were living our life with children in a different location.
This episode is a peek inside my signature program, A Year of Calm. It’s is a year-long program to help you live with more intuition, intention, and inspiration through the seasons of life. The women inside get one-on-one sessions, a suite of resources and rituals for each season, and group coaching calls.
In a recent group call, I was inspired by the “messy middle,” specifically how we're currently situated in the middle of the calendar year. Have you noticed how much your perspective shifts as time passes?
There’s Wisdom in Your Past-Self and Future-Self
As you listen to the episode, you will be guided to connect with yourself in January. You might notice that what was going on for her then is very different from what’s happening in your life now. You might have things you want to share with her or show her. You might have questions to ask her. She might have questions for you.
Then, we’re spend time going forward to December. We’ll do the same thing, checking in your future-self, touching base, asking questions, and telling her what you want her to know as the year wraps up.
A Summer of Ritual
After waiting all year for vacations and warm weather, summer arrives with a unique flavor of overwhelm. If you desperately want to enjoy the season, but need help getting into the spirit of summer, this ritual bundle was made for you.
Ways to deepen your connection to intuition
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Keep Reading for More Inspiration
8 Ideas for New Beginnings
When you’re celebrating a new year, a new season, a birthday, or another fresh start, here are eight ideas for new beginnings. Use these to feel connected, rejuvenated, and excited about what’s ahead.
About Kaileen Elise Sues
Hi, I'm Kaileen! Intuition coach, host of the Celebrate Cultivate podcast, and mom of three.
Until I found my inner voice, I was a perfectionist always on the edge of overwhelm. This practice changes everything.
That’s why I’m here to help you access your intuition. So you can heal old wounds, manifest magic, and find calm in the chaos of daily life.